After Marriage Based,1,Age Difference Based,1,Armed Forces Based,1,Article,7,complete,2,Complete Novel,634,Contract Marriage,1,Doctor’s Based,1,Ebooks,10,Episodic,278,Feudal System Based,1,Forced Marriage Based Novels,5,Funny Romantic Based,1,Gangster Based,2,HeeR Zadi,1,Hero Boss Based,1,Hero Driver Based,1,Hero Police Officer,1,Horror Novel,2,Hostel Based Romantic,1,Isha Gill,1,Khoon Bha Based,2,Poetry,13,Rayeha Maryam,1,Razia Ahmad,1,Revenge Based,1,Romantic Novel,22,Rude Hero Base,4,Second Marriage Based,2,Short Story,68,youtube,34,
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